Clean Body
Blue Spirulina

CLEAN BODY Blue Spirulina is a protein-rich extract of Green Spirulina. For the production of blue Spirulina, the water-soluble blue color antioxidant phycocyanin is extracted from Spirulina. The word phycocyanin is derived from the Greek phyco (algae) and cyanine (blue-green).

In the world of fruits, vegetables or plants, vibrant colors are indicators of high antioxidant properties. The brighter the color, the greater the efficiency. Phycocyanin is just like that: as a powerful antioxidant, it fights free radicals, protects cells of the nervous system, liver, heart, and kidneys and has anti-inflammatory properties. So Blue Spirulina acts as an antioxidant, a natural cleanser and has a positive effect on your immune system. It can give your body energy, strength, and vitality.

Blue Spirulina is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants that protect cells from any damage. In addition, it stimulates the immune system, boosts metabolism and improves digestion. Spirulina is known for its high and varied vitamin B content, which can improve your overall energy level, well-being.

Certain compounds of Blue Spirulina can promote the health of your heart by contributing to lowering your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Powder made from this wonderfully colored algae extract is an increasingly popular ingredient in healthy dietary supplements and food colors these days: shakes, smoothies, smoothies, muesli, energy slices, raw vegan dishes.